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What Do You Want to Do in 2023?

Jez • Dec 14, 2022

We’ve all heard of ‘New Year’s Resolutions,’ which sounds outdated and almost intimidating. However, the concept of looking ahead and thinking about, “what do I see myself doing this year?” is actually a healthy and positive thing to consider wrapping your head around, in addition to wrapping all those gifts right now. Many people have already started planning travel vacations or bought tickets to shows they want to see in the upcoming year. Having things or places to look forward to doing and seeing can have a residual effect on our mental well-being and emotional stability. A recent study from North Carolina State University finds that people who manage to balance living in the moment with planning for the future are best able to weather daily stress without succumbing to negative moods.

So let’s look ahead! It’s never too late to learn a new skill! Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn another language? If so, there are an abundance of tech friendly apps you can use on your phone, tablet or computer that make learning a new language pretty easy nowadays. Many users say they are able to learn basic conversations in as little as 3 weeks! Quilting is also becoming a very popular hobby these days. Then again, we do live in a state that is snow covered about half of the year. Maybe you want to learn to ski or snowboard? Or what about something as simple as writing? A journal or blog can be a highly rewarding way to stay sharp and release tension or creative juices. 

If you aren’t interested in
learning something new this year and would rather see something new, then you’re lucky our world is a never ending story full of adventures and mysteries. Whether it be overseas or just a little further south to warmer temperatures, there is so much to see and do! I googled ‘unique vacations,’ and what came up had me dream-packing my suitcase! Have you ever heard of The Queen Mary, once a world-class ocean liner, and now a luxurious floating hotel based in Long Beach, California?! I mean, the word ‘luxury’ is an understatement! If you’re not into that high class style, then I’d suggest checking out the Shady Dell in Bisbee, Arizona. Established in 1927 to provide trailer and camping spaces to travelers along the famous Highway 80, the spot has since become an institution, boasting quirky and vintage trailers and camper vans for guests to stay in. The Shady Dell promises an unusual and unforgettable stay. Of course you could always set your sights really high and go all out to somewhere like Salta, Argentina. I read that the region is famed for its spectacular scenery and richly colored landscapes–think red rock valleys, multi-colored and monochromatic hills and terra-cotta peaks magically set against stark blue skies. The diversity of this area makes it a haven for trekking, horseback riding, rafting, driving 4x4s and a plethora of other adventure activities.

Maybe, just maybe, it’s not in your budget or limited time availability to learn or see and do. Planning ahead can just be scheduling upcoming graduations, birthdays and those necessary follow up appointments on your calendar. Knowing there are events coming up to plan for is what that healthy outlook is about. It provides a sense of comfort and minimizes stress. A self-help author, Robert Epstein, found that 25% of our happiness hinges on how well we’re able to manage stress. If it’s as uncomplicated as planning ahead to ensure a quarter of happiness in the upcoming year - then I’ll ask again: What do you want to do in 2023?

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By Jeszrai 02 Nov, 2023
Annoying things our parents nagged us about when growing up ‘Under Their Roof:’ “Close the refrigerator door!” “Shut the window, I have the heat on! Are we heating up the whole block?!” “Turn off the lights when you leave the room!” As an adult and having to foot the bills yourself, those annoying nagging sayings make a whole lot more sense now! Working day in and day out just to give all your hard earned money away is just a part of life, right? However, how nice is it to have the peace of mind knowing you did your best to have some of your money remaining after the bills are paid for savings or for fun? That’s why it’s good to know all those creative and uncommon ways to save on things like electricity! Once you know how to cut down on those darn ‘gas usage’ charges, that bill can reduce dramatically and save you money! While it’s not uncommon and more about common sense, turning off the lights when you’re not in a room can save you significantly when you make a conscious habit of it. Also, while replacing a perfectly working bulb would seem needless, some may want to consider it. Just about everyone in this century has now heard of LED lights. What’s great about these bulbs is they use at least 75% less energy AND last 25 times longer than your average $1.88 generic brand light bulb. What’s more, GE offers all kinds of motion sensored and smart home efficient and energy saving lights to help out all those tech-advanced people. They claim to be easy and user-friendly, but that doesn’t stop me from being a little skeptical. I’m sure my son could figure it out for me, though! While not everyone has time or the skill to cook at home, there are still plenty of folks who probably do use that big metal appliance in the kitchen. A helpful tip they should consider, according to the California Energy Commission, is that if you turn off the burner early, the stove will most likely release enough heat to finish whatever you’re cooking and save some electricity! Also, every time you open that oven door to check on that pizza, or lasagne, or pie (I’m officially drooling now) the internal temperature can drop 25 degrees! As a result, the oven uses more electricity to bring the temperature back up. There’s a window on that big chunk of burning metal for a reason, Bud. *Wink, wink* Another helpful cooking tip is to consider utilizing a smaller cooking appliance to use less energy. Microwave ovens, air fryers and toaster ovens are all great options to use substantially less electricity than the oven. It’s no secret that many of us enjoy television, streaming services and our electronic devices to keep us entertained. Even though medical providers will advise against it, oftentimes there is some sort of white-noise coming from somewhere in our homes. However, if we did take the medical advice and turn off those gadgets during periods when they are legitimately not being used (ie: while cooking, showering, doing chores, trying to fall asleep etc.) that would save 3% or more of your average monthly energy use. It may not seem like a lot, but it adds up quickly and every little bit of saving counts! One scary truth we tend to think is ridiculous and even annoying: energy vampires exist. Does that mean I want you to invest in some garlic? No. Not that kind of vampire. I’m talking about the devices and appliances you leave plugged in daily that are secretly consuming energy even when they are not being used. Ok, so we could call them energy leaches too, I suppose? But that’s not the term I found on Google. You get the idea though - it’s best to unplug the toaster and phone charger if you’re not using it! See? I said it would be annoying and ridiculous. But it’s supposed to help, so I’m offering the option to you. All of these things could easily put a little extra paper in your pocket or rainy day fund. I think we all could agree, living smarter and not working harder is an easier route to improve your lifestyle and achieve the personal growth we all strive for. With Prolific, this is always our goal: Putting Our Residents First and Ensuring Their Greatest Lives Can Be Lived.
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